July 11th-14th 2015
Royal Holloway University of London
The Tutte polynomial is unquestionably the most heavily studied, and arguably the most important, graph polynomial. It specialises to a myriad other graph polynomials and invariants, and has found important interpretations and applications in areas such as statistical mechanics, quantum field theory, knot theory, and biology. It is a pervasive object in graph theory and its applications.
This workshop will bring together researchers who have an interest in the many wide-ranging properties and applications of the Tutte polynomial, and in graph polynomials more generally. It will focus on some of the most recent advances in the field, including topological extensions, connections with matroid theory, computation and approximation, and on applications of graph polynomials to biomathematics and physics. It will provide an effective forum for sharing ideas, techniques and applications.
The workshop will be held at Royal Holloway University of London from the 11th-14th July 2015 (directly after the BCC).
Everyone with an interest in graph polynomials is welcome. PhD students, postdocs and early career researchers are especially encouraged to participate. Funding is available for PhD students to attend the workshop.
A special edition of Advances in Applied Mathematics will be associated with this workshop.
We gratefully acknowledge EPSRC for funding the workshop, and Elsevier for sponsoring a banquet.
Iain Moffatt (Royal Holloway University of London); iain.moffatt@rhul.ac.uk.
Joanna A. Ellis-Monaghan (Saint Michael’s College); jellis-monaghan@smcvt.edu.